




  在晚上的談話裡,竟然還出現了如果扁嫂倒了,他也會跟著倒下 ...











星期六,我跟 Medea 終於盼到了等待己久的「舞王」新作~「愛爾蘭之虎」(由寬宏藝術主辦)

  這次是由舞王的頭頭~ Michael Flatly 親自來台演出,所以 Simon 買了特B區的位置(我特別在年代的購票系統上選了二個還不錯的位子,一張要價 $3,500,Michael 真是會撈錢啊),想說可以好好地觀賞舞王老大的演出!

  一進場之後,我有點傻眼,因為特A及特B區竟然是平面的位置(在年代的位置圖上,並沒有註明特A及特B區是平面座位,只能看到離舞台較近),就看到一張一張椅子沒有間隔地排在中山足球場中間的平地上。這下精采了,我還得求神保祐,前面別來個「大頭」,不然我就得「抬頭挺胸」一整場表演了(至於後面的人,那就不是我管得到的了)!其實,我已經很好奇坐後面或中間的小個子怎麼看?我跟 Medea 的位子是比較邊邊的,所以被擋的機會不高;但,坐中間的人怎麼閃前面的大頭啊(還有不少家長帶小朋友來看),為了悍衛自己的權益,我已經有跟人家吵架的心理準備了(我想,一定會有沒品的人亂跑)


  好不容易,我跟 Medea 在堅守崗位的狀況下找到了縫縫可以看到表演了(我們很有品,沒有什麼移動位子哦)。雖然沒有很完美的視野,但現場的感覺就是令人感動啊(我會另外寫一篇關於表演的,這篇是訐譙文)

  在出場後,我跟 Medea 不約而同有一樣的感想,下次要看,要不就多花點錢,買前面的位置;要不就少花點錢,早點去擠看台區的位置,這種不前不後的位子,下次是不再去坐了!

  為了讓主辦單位知道我們這些小人物的心聲,我還是寫了封 Mail 給他們,希望下次不會再有這種情形發生了!


看到信的工作人員 您好,

  我是位在六月十日觀賞舞王的消費者(坐在特B區),在看過表演之後,有些話不吐不快,但貴工作室的網站上沒有討論區可以與我們這些消費者互動,所以我發信想讓你們知道消費者的感受,我不期待你們會因為我的信有任何改進,但希望你們能因為這封簡單的 e-Mail 知道一些消費者的感受!

  坦白講,這次的秀非常地精采,無論是台上舞者的表演、燈光效果、音響到整體氣氛的帶動,都是非常棒的!當然前提是「看得到的話」,我坐在特B區 59 排 002 及 004(我帶我女朋友一起)。說真的,星期六晚上我一進場看到特B區是平面位子,我就有點後悔了,一張特B區的票要 NT$3,500,這樣的票價,買到卻是會被前面的人擋到視線的位子,我想請問貴工作室的工作人員,如果是您,您會做何感想?我自己的感想是:我寧願去坐看台區,最起碼視野不會被擋到!


  在看秀的時候,我除了要閃前面的大頭才能看到「半個」舞台外,還得配合著前面的大螢幕才能大概在腦海裡拼出完整的畫面,如果這是你們預設的品質(我相信,當工作人員在排平面座位時,應該就可以料想到會有這種狀況出現),那我個人對貴工作室非常的失望!NT$ 3,500 的票價,卻只有這樣的品質,我個人是挺失望的,唯一慶幸的是我沒有花 NT$ 5,000 去坐在特A區!


Simon Chaung



前幾天在跟馬來西亞的同事哈啦時,她突發奇想地問了我一句:「Simon,你有沒有在看新聞啊?台灣的新聞都好好玩哦,像連續劇一樣!」被她大姐這麼一問,我倒是說不出話來了 ...



  不過,這幾天看下來,我倒是覺得國內的新聞台有點「閉關自守」,都是播國內的新聞,跟 CNN 或 NHK 不太一樣,剛好 Yahoo 新聞也有類似的新聞,我把它轉貼在最下方,有興趣不妨看看!

【中廣新聞網】 張德厚 報導


  扎卡威被美軍所擊殺、南韓公民團體抵制世界盃足球賽,這些國際要聞在台灣幾乎都被李泰安及趙建銘的新聞所排擠,上不了電子媒體的版面。媒體觀察基金會董事長管中祥表示,電子媒體常認為台灣觀眾對於跟台灣無關的國際新聞不會有太大的興趣,因此不會有收視率,就不太願意花心思製作,國內大部分電子媒體的國際新聞,無論在廣度或深度方面都不嫌不足。 管中祥:「在這種狀況之下,我們會發現民眾對於國際事務是一無所知,等於活在資訊的孤島之中,國際新聞比重過低,對於台灣民眾的國際視野是有很大的影響。」

  管中祥指出,台灣國際新聞過度依賴歐美,對於互動日益頻繁的鄰近東南亞國家常常是視而不見,甚至抱以歧視的眼光,讓民眾失去認識多元文化、培養國際視野的機會,不利於台灣的全球化,而國際新聞偏重花絮、軼聞,也讓無助於民眾了解國際事務的全貌。 管中祥:「例如一個小貓掉到水裡面,被消防人員救起來,這種新聞過多只是讓民眾對國際的了解流於片段,限制對世界的了解,只有純粹的娛樂效果。」



只是純料的記錄而己,因為公司同事說有碰到因為這個程式而產生 BSOD 的問題(Blue Screen Of Death)。

  事實証明,防火牆果然是個大問題,這個檔案是從公司採用 Zonelabs 的防火牆出來的,只要把防火牆移掉就沒事了。


Fle Information
The process TrueVector Device Driver belongs to the software TrueVector Device Driver by Zone Labs Inc (www.zonelabs.com) or Zone Labs LLC (www.zonelabs.com) or Zone Labs, LLC.

File vsdatant.sys is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 279880 bytes (25% of all occurrence), 368256 bytes, 372816 bytes, 189792 bytes, 366736 bytes, 280344 bytes, 274232 bytes, 271792 bytes, 145800 bytes, 271344 bytes, 177048 bytes, 279656 bytes, 198720 bytes, 188240 bytes.
The driver can be started or stopped from Services in the Control Panel or by other programs. The program has no visible window. It is a Verisign signed file. File vsdatant.sys is digitally signed. The service has no detailed description. vsdatant.sys is not a Windows system file. Therefore the technical security rating is 18% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.

Some malware camouflage themselves as vsdatant.sys, particularly if they are located in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the vsdatant.sys process on your pc whether it is pest. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. It is one of the Top Download Picks of 2005 of The Washington Post and PC World.

Blue screen about vsdatant.sys
several options for you to decide what to complete next about this problem.

1.) Contact the following support site of Zone Alarm and wait for a solution from them. How it will take, I really don't know. Or try my other two possible solutions and see if they will solve your problem. It's your decision! If you decide to go with the support site from Zone Alarm, PLEASE let me know what exactly they mentioned to you on the solution, so the next time if someone has a problem, like yours, we can direct the people to the correct solution, instead of going around in circles, until we find a fix to the problem.

Here is the info on the site for Zone Alarm.


2.) PLEASE go to the following thread as someone else had the same problem as yours, perhaps their solution will work for you?


3.) My last solution, if you want to try this one also, it may solve the problem.

Zone Labs Customer Care

This Information Applies to:

How to Perform a Clean Install


There is an option available (in version 4 and later) to perform a clean uninstall. Please make sure that you have the latest version downloaded already, if you plan to reinstall.

In order to perform a clean uninstall of ZoneAlarm, please follow the steps below:

IMPORTANT - If you have a Cisco VPN client installed, you must first uninstall the VPN client, then follow the instructions below, and reinstall the Cisco VPN client again afterwards. This procedure will remove all traces of the TrueVector service, which was incorporated by Cisco into their VPN software.

If you wish to keep your settings, create a Backup from Overview - > Preferences before starting, and then Restore afterwards (available in ZoneAlarm Premium products only).
Click on Start -> Programs -> Zone Labs
RIGHT-click on Uninstall Zone Labs Security, then select Properties
Under Target you will see the following line (the actual drive may be different on your system):
"C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zauninstexe"

Change it to:
"C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zauninst.exe" /clean (add a space and then the /clean)

Click OK to save the new command line.
Click on Start -> Programs -> Zone Labs -> Uninstall Zone Labs Security
Click OK to run the uninstaller, and OK any security alerts that pop up.
say "Yes when being prompted for the removal of all files and allow TrueVector to shut down.
After rebooting, check for the following folders, and delete them if you find them:
"Internet Logs"

"Zone Labs" (under your Program Files folder)

"Zonelabs" (under your Windows System32 folder)

Empty your recycle bin
install the latest version if you are reinstalling

(NOTE - If you get error messages regarding a missing VSUTIL file, try this first : Search for VSUTIL.DLL on your system. If you find a copy in the SYSTEM32 folder ONLY, under the main WINNT folder, try copying that file to the main WINNT folder, then try the Install again. If it still fails, then you will need to perform the steps below. Do NOT copy a file located in any McAfee or Network Associates folder, that is a different program!)
DO NOT INSTALL ANY PREVIOUS VERSION FIRST - Simply perform the clean install instructions below, then install ONLY the version you wish to install.
In order to completely remove ZA+/ZAP from your system, please do the following. If any of the steps below do not apply to you, or you are unable to perform the function listed, CONTINUE on to the next step.
If you plan to reinstall then, before starting, please be sure to download the latest version. Remember that while the download versions are called Trial, it becomes the FULL version once you enter your current, valid license key. To find out if your key is valid, click Configure > Change Key. Your expiration date and time will appear directly underneath the license number. If your key is not valid, use the following link to renew: http://www.zonelabs.com/renew
For ZoneAlarm:
For ZoneAlarm Pro:


** Use ONLY the primary Administrator account if possible (i.e. log in with the username ADMINISTRATOR). If you are unable to do so, then try a user account with Administrative rights. ** If the machine is part of a domain, you should have the Network Administrator help you.
Please do the following. If any of the steps below do not apply to you, or you are unable to perform the function listed, please continue to the next step. If you are unable to remove any files, make a note of the file AND location (example: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 \VSDATA.DLL).
Open the ZoneAlarm Pro program, go to the OVERVIEW -> PREFERENCES tab, and make sure the Load At Startup box is UNchecked. Close the ZA Control Panel.
Right-click on the ZA icon, and select Shutdown. Wait several minutes before going on.
You should now have no ZA processes running on your system.
Now click Start -> Programs -> Zone Labs -> Uninstall. Be sure to say YES to any security checks.
To make sure that you can see any ZA system files, if they are still on your computer:
a. Right-click on Start button, then left-click on Explore. When the Windows Explorer panel appears, click View -> Options. Click the "View" tab, then click the "Show all files" radio button.
b. Make sure you also UNcheck the box to "Hide Protected Operating System Files" if you have one.
c. Click OK.

Making modifications to system files may disable crucial functions of your Windows operating system. We strongly suggest re-enabling the "Hide files and folders" feature once all ZA files have been removed.
Click on Start, then Search or Find, and select Files. Make sure that the location box is set to search your local hard drive (usually C: ), or All Local Drives.
Type each of the following exactly - delete any folders found:
“zone labs”
“Internet logs”

Type the following exactly - delete any files found in \Windows or any subfolder below it, or in your \Temp folder):

vsutil.dll (please right-click filename, then Properties -> Version.
Do NOT delete this file unless it it a Zone Labs file!)

Type the following exactly - delete any files found in any folder with "Programs" in the pathname:

"zonealarm pro"

Make sure your Recycle Bin is empty (right-click and select Empty).